Friday, December 18, 2009

I'm so happy!

I'm getting married on Dec 30th, in case ya didn't know and it's just going to be us and family at the JOP and then sometime next year when I have time to plan, we'll have a wedding.  I'm busy packing up my house and it's sooo empty!  It really is taxing to go through your household to move!  But it's worth it this time =) 


I got a 4.0 this semester!!  You know what that means...I got an A...that's right, and A in Political Science.  I absolutely do not care for this subject at all, but I got an A!!  God rocks!


  1. Congrats! On both the marriage and the GPA.

  2. Congratulations!!!! You are now a "Sadie, Sadie, Married Lady!" :D Call me whenever you have a chance ;)
